the smell of wet earth, kissing in the rain, ice cream, barefoot walks on the beach, cuddling on the couch, sexual tension, freedom, sleek cars, beautiful eyes, independence, intelligence, fresh air, wind through my hair, wit, assertiveness, computers, falling in love, music, foreign places, the unbeaten track, city life, debates, self confidence, the free spirited, women. Make of this list what you will.

Thursday, May 19, 2005

wtf??? partial profanity?? f**king liars!

So there I was, once again on my usual crusade around cyber space, trying to submerge myself in 1's and 0's in another desperate attempt to escape the morbid pit of shit that is my life. On this fateful day, I happened to run full frontal into miss carrie's little blog explosion button.

There are a lot of pointless time wasters masquerading as Blog Exposers out there. But after careful deliberation, I decided to submit my humble blog [to blog explosion] , sit back, relax and watch the all the cyber junkies swarm in in their numbers to witness first hand my greatness and then promptly proceed to worship at the altar of Me.

As soon as i got the heads up that my little bloggy had been accepted [in blog explosion], I went in [to blog explosion] to check how it was faring. I must say I was a little gob smacked to say the least when i tracked down Bloggy [on blog explosion] and was met with these three little words: "contains partial profanity". Would you believe. Since i have nothing better to do with my life, I decided to embark on a little experiment to investigate exactly how profane I've been.

I found out that in the last 15 or so posts I've used, in several variations, that sumptuous four-letter word beginning with F only 40+ times (half of that number appears in my letting out steam rant). So with my highly advanced deduction skills i declare that by no stretch of the imagination does that constitute partial profanity. Maybe if I throw in all the other choice four letter words I've used, and only then, could it be construed as slightly PG.

Anyhow, since this is not how I generally speak, and to demonstrate that I was raised in a polite godfearing family, I've decided from here hence forth to refrain from 'partial profanity' on this blog. Plus i think its becoming a bad habit. Like smoking. Or procastinating. Or drinking. And all the other bad habits I've accumulated over the years.

So to celebrate this joyous occasion, I now declare today a public holiday.
The International F-Free Day.

I will avoid topics that make my blood curdle.
I will talk about gummi bears and cotton candy.
For the next 2 posts at least.

But still. These guys are big fat liars.
Fucking jerks.

One more thing in case you missed it in all my subtlety : BLOG EXPLOSION


Blogger Ang said...

They so don't know what they are talking about! :)

5/19/2005 1:55 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fucking prudes harshing our profanity buzz!

I would prefer a warning like "contains references to knitting". I try to avoid those like the plague.

Kisses - Carrie

5/20/2005 2:23 PM


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