Its going to be a good week dammit!
It's Monday morning.
I really don't need a reason to rant.
The mere fact that it's Monday is reason enough.
Frankly, Monday mornings make me so cranky I could rant forever about the colour of the butterfly that fluttered in through my office window. I'm partial to blue butterflies so god forbid a yellow butterfly venture anywhere into the periphery of my vision.
I woke up this morning and decided that HAD to change.
Yep, even if it killed me, this was going to be best goddamned week I've ever had.
I was going to dig deep, very VERY deep, and pull out my confident, positive, go-getter, the-world-is-my-oyster attitude. I thought maybe, just maybe if for once I woke up early (instead of the rushed "I'm late!" Monday routine), had a 30 minute power session at the gym before work it might help reinforce my newly found invincibility and joi de vivre.
Usually nothing short of a sudden fit of madness would make me think it would be a good idea to visit the gym at 6:00 in the morning. This is not a decision I would normally make without the help of several banned substances + illegal quantities of caffeine. I think the point where I lost touch with my faculties was when I noticed my belly button, which has always been an Innie anyway, had now completely vanished behind the numerous overlapping rolls of flab.
So I dug up my gym gear, jumped into a taxi and headed straight for the Fitness Centre.
Yeah, the naming here was just genius. I wonder how long it took them to come up with that. Everything was going according to plan until, in my newly found fitness frenzy and "I believe I can fly" attitude, I literally leapt out of the taxi leaving my new company-given, state-of-the-art, Cell Phone Meets Palm Top behind. As I was about to shut the door I noticed the phone lying there on the back seat. The taxi guy was already starting to drive off so I told him to hold on because I'd left my phone behind. Probably the dumbest thing I'll ever do, because as soon as he heard me and had a glimpse of what was lying back there, he just sped off!
I kid you not.
What is wrong with these people?
Am I the last (semi-) decent person on the planet?
Today I sure as hell believe in Karma coz for what he did, the bastard has got to bleed.
So, its Monday morning and a genuinely rant-worthy thing has actually happened to me.
normally I would take this unfortunate mishap and let it traumatise me for life.
On any other Monday it would envelope me and weigh me down for the rest of the year.
But guess what.
Not this Monday.
It happened and its over.
I won't make a meal out of this.
For once, I'm going to move swiftly along.
Nothing can veer me off this natural high I'm on.
This is going to be a jolly good week.
I insist.
Ah, got to go.
My boss just walked in with one mean look on his face.
But I don't mind coz he's looking devilishly handsome today.
1) You handled that much better than I would. And no, there aren't many (semi-)decent folks left. Trust me, I had it checked out.
2) Going anywhere at 6 a.m., least of all the gym, is plain wrong.
3) Good luck with the new 'tude. Update us during the week.
5/30/2005 3:41 PM
And just to start you're week off right, you've been tagged. I even made a note as to the specifics of you being one of the chosen few! :)
5/30/2005 9:16 PM
Hey! Stop by health supplement
10/24/2005 1:28 AM
Good write up car muscle sound
10/26/2005 11:39 AM
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