Friday Randomness
Google-Search-Term-Leading-to-this-Blog of the Day:
"Cameroonian pu$$ies"
Very disturbing if thats what my blog has been reduced to.
Note the use of dollar signs to prevent further misrepresentation.
I tried to set up my voicemail today.
I dialled 123, spent 5 minutes on hold, then finally got a REAL person on the line.
Total waste of a chunk of my life.
"I'm sorry, that service is not currently available, but please try again in 2 months".
2 months????????? Like...for real?!?!
I had this idea that the 3rd world sucked, but boy was I clueless of just how much.
(Context: Lived in Geneva for the larger part of my life, then lived in SA which is one of the better 3rd world nations and I'm now in Cameroon - having major adjustment issues here!)
I'm not asking for 3G or WAP or even GPRS, just , you know, your regular run-of-the-mill mail retrieval system. "Hi, please leave a message at the beep" type thing. But nooooo - that's just way too high tech for these guys.
But its Friday. No room for bitching and wining about things you cannot change. The weekend beckons - filled with promise and opportunities for many an indiscretion. And once again I'm faced with the remote possiblity that as I leave the office this afternoon, this may just be the weekend I win the lottery and never have to come back.
Fat chance.
Especially since I don't play.
I am amazed you only spent five minutes on hold.
7/01/2005 3:02 PM
Short story is: my company pays my phone bills - means i get to use my cell phone pretty much like i please (within reason). 98% of the population here are pre-paid customers, while my company does post-paid (contract). Hence i use a different set of postpaid-dedicated operators. Its supposed to afford me priviledges the masses can only dream about. Like 5 mins reponse time. I'm supposed to be basking in the glory of my elevated status - but i still got no f*king voicemail.
7/01/2005 3:33 PM
All the kewl kid$ are $pelling thing$ with the bling Lyn. I blame Puff Daddy (or P. Diddy or whatever the hell he i$ calling him$elf these days).
Ki$$es - Carrie
7/01/2005 5:57 PM
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