the smell of wet earth, kissing in the rain, ice cream, barefoot walks on the beach, cuddling on the couch, sexual tension, freedom, sleek cars, beautiful eyes, independence, intelligence, fresh air, wind through my hair, wit, assertiveness, computers, falling in love, music, foreign places, the unbeaten track, city life, debates, self confidence, the free spirited, women. Make of this list what you will.

Friday, April 08, 2005

Swearing. A necessary evil

Sometimes there’s no other way to say it.

There are times you find yourself in a situation that one or two choice words would have saved the day, and just as they are about to roll off your tongue you somehow manage to garner some self-restraint that would have amazed even your dead granny.

Perhaps you are deeply religious and would never swear lest the Lord smite you where you stand.
Perhaps you just never got into it because you didn’t grow up swearing and as you got older you only hung around clean-mouthed geeks.
Perhaps you express yourself eloquently because you were brought up like royalty.
Perhaps you’re just a freak.

Either way, you must have said shit if not FUCK, damn if not Godammit, dear lord if not JESUS FUCKING CHRIST!!

And work doesn’t count coz everyone is sweeter than golden syrup at the office (except maybe the boss). I’m talking socially.

Which one of these are you?

He is not nice
He is a sick bastard
He is a fucking cokesnorting asswipe

What was my point? erm... i had a point? Ah yes, in conclusion ladies, gentlemen and the transgendered pansies of the fucked up cyberworld, my point was i dont swear. Never ever. And neither should you.


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