Dating Me
Even if i was Out, no one seems good enough for me. Where are all the world's cool people? Where are all the funky uber awesome girlies? Is there like NO ONE out of Sydney or NY that is gay AND cool AND smart?? Is that like way too much to ask? You don't even have to be hot!! Ok, wait, i take that back...AND hot! Now, i know i'm doomed to a life of compromising and settling for second best because it seems what i want is not out there. And definitely not out here.
Wait! Brainwave! What i want is ME.
Ah yes. Me. If i saw me in a bar i'd be all over me in a flash. Only problem is I wouldn't know how to approach me and me would be too cool to approach I. So me and I would be flirting from afar, downing a few drinks desperately trying to get to that happy flirty mental zone.
Like any other relationship we'd have our ups and downs, but because i'm so cool there will many more ups. I'm aloof, i'm independent i'm extreme, i'm funny, i'm weird, i'm crazy, i'm smart, i'm cute and i'm oh-so-sweet.
I wouldnt miss a chance to go out with my dream girl- me.
Coz I love me.
Ok, i've snapped out of it. What was that? Love Letter To Self? Damn, that was a load of selfworshiping egostroking horseshit. Since when did i become so cheezy?
I might as well go off and masturbate. That's the best way to show my love to me.