the smell of wet earth, kissing in the rain, ice cream, barefoot walks on the beach, cuddling on the couch, sexual tension, freedom, sleek cars, beautiful eyes, independence, intelligence, fresh air, wind through my hair, wit, assertiveness, computers, falling in love, music, foreign places, the unbeaten track, city life, debates, self confidence, the free spirited, women. Make of this list what you will.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

A revelation

In my excitement of having unrestricted Internet at home I eagerly went in search of all the x-rated content I've been so deprived of. But I would just like to take this moment to announce that as of today, I OFFICIALLY HATE PORN. It's just plain disgusting. All And all Eeewww. I cringe just thinking about that scene i just saw. Yes ladies and gentlemen, believe it or not, from here on out this computer will be porn free.

Thats all.

Monday, February 20, 2006


Coming to you live...ok not quite live...but coming to you nonetheless - from home! Woopie!. No more freaking office wirewall scrutinizing my every move and restricting my access. I finally got a laptop at work to surf for porn for when i travel and to chat get more work done in my free time. I also got internet at home(broadband my's lank* slow) so I will be spending less corporate hours goofing about and probably blog more often. Well, at least till I do something about the lack of a TV.

I'm at home. I've got a camera. Lets use it:

its a hard knock life

That's the little statuette i got over the weekend. I found myself drawn to it for some unknown reason. It was just sitting there all alone in the corner of the curio shop. So alone. I couldn't resist. I think it's cute. What's he sad about? If only i had the presence of mind to ask the guy who sold it to me. These things always have a delightful little story passed down from the creator.

My camera battery just died. These were taken by my phone hence the crappy quality.

Current book I'm reading:

Johny rocks

Current CD i'm listening to:


They're both old but pretty new in my collection.
Okay, bored myself enough. Later.

*lank: South African slang for 'extremely'

Friday, February 10, 2006

I'm single and lovin' it

It’s almost that time of the year again. That day when you get reminded of just how alone you are with the subtlety of a sledgehammer on a newborn’s soft spot. Even as you tell anyone who would listen you are fine and definitely don’t need anyone your voice seems hollow and lacks any real conviction.

For some reason I have never dreaded that day like I do this year. It might have something to do with the fact that I no longer care much for the status quo. I’m finally ready to admit I yearn for something more. Something most take for granted but I’ve never experienced before – to feel loved and love unconditionally in return. I want to cast cute puppy eyes upon my loved one as s/he hands me a cheesy, oversized red and white heart-infested undergarment accompanied by a humungous heart-shaped slab of chocolate. I, in turn, will ceremoniously unveil my set of matching heart-shaped pendants engraved with our initials and a large bouquet of red roses for good measure.

But I guess it won’t be this year. This year, like all the ones before it, I will put on a brave face, muster as much conviction as I can infuse into one sentence and purposefully recite my mantra: I’m single and lovin' it.


I just freaking found out that you just need to Google my surname and voila I’m sooo outted! Where’s the darn delete button??!!! Google has no delete button!
Note to self: When online, do not, I repeat, DO NOT post your REAL NAME when talking about your controversial sexuality punishable by law with up to 5 years imprisonment. Its not rocket science. Dipshit.

My dad said he was looking for our family members by Googling our surname (not too hard when you are not a Smith or a Jones) and that’s how he read my essay on my agnosticism on a popular atheist/agnostic site (yes dad, sorry you had to find out this way but I really do think your God fucking sucks). I tested it out… and lo and behold right there on page two of the search results was a number of things I’d written once upon a time I would rather my daddy dearest did not cast his eyes upon lest he be blinded or worse, keel over and drop right dead.

So excuse me while I go attempt to edit the Internet.

PS - This article is also mighty interesting...quite the buzz now.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Death and stuff

Some dude drowned infront of my very eyes on Sunday at the beach. One minute he is building sand castles infront of us, 30 mins later some guys are pulling his pale body out of the water - a little too late. Thats only the second corpse I've ever seen close up. The warmest one, thats for sure. I even danced with him at the club on Saturday night. Cute as hell too.
*sigh* Life is but a fleeting glance.
Or something. (Lets pretend i said something profound).

Meanwhile back in the office - work pileth up.
Haven't had a moments breathing space and would've even come to the office over the weekend if one of my neighbours hadnt come up with the brilliant idea of a road trip to a seaside town for the weekend. Speaking of roadtrip, we were on our way back home after the incident above (i mean nobody goes anywhere near the water for the rest of the day after such an event) when we noticed people crowding up by the river to see this little kid not a day over 12 who had apparently drowned 3 days earlier but whose body just washed to shore.

So that's 2 dead people I saw within 2 hours.
Again: Life is but a fleeting glance.

I'm still TV-less. My puzzle is almost done though. There are like 100 sky pieces left and I found a rythm that really works for me so it shouldnt take more than an hour to finish it off. And this is it. No more freaking gazillion piece puzzles. what i need, is a life. (preferably involving one or two hot girlies...)

If you can reminisce that far back you will recall that back at university there were always one or two really weird people. Like that goth chick who you wonder how she ever became your friend. Or the vegan who you could swear lives off water and sunshine coz she doesnt seem to be able to eat anything you offer her. (i actually had a good friend who was vegan, gothic and had this weird stomach illness that eliminated most vegan-friendly dishes, but suprisingly, she wasnt particularly thin).
Anyway, one evening I looked up from my puzzle, saw incense burning, looked down at my bowl of dry cereal - when it dawned on me: I've actually become weirder than those weird chicks.
All i need now is 7 cats.

Um, i once said something or other about quitting smoking.... well, no comment.

Trip was ok. I didnt lose my company money afterall. I guess i was just a little paranoid.
Gotta work now.